Testimonials to endorse our excellent headhunting performance!

104 HeadHunter has been working in the human resources market for a long time and has a team of professional consultants with more than 10 years of experience in the industry, serving clients in various industries at home and abroad, and successfully assisting clients in recruiting mid- to high-level executives and key talents. Through our clients' personal testimonials, we witness 104 HeadHunter's precise and professional recruitment services, which effectively find the right people and improve operational performance for our clients!
新團隊籌備壓力山大!該如何1個月找齊4位中高階主管? 新團隊籌備壓力山大!該如何1個月找齊4位中高階主管?

近年台灣商場百貨的競爭已進入白熱化,一家位於北台灣新成立的百貨業者,為了在競爭同業中脫穎而出,在籌備初期,便委託104獵才顧問,期望能在一個月內找齊「資訊」、「工程」、「營運」以及「書店經理」4大領域的管理主管。 這個高急迫性及多領域人才需求的挑戰,即使對於擁有豐富經驗的獵才老手而言,都是一個艱鉅的任務;然而104獵才顧問在接獲需求後,便立即啟動「團隊作戰模式」,全力在時限內完成客戶的招聘需求!

抓緊台灣產業領先契機,大量招募中高階人才,建立海外台企經營團隊 抓緊台灣產業領先契機,大量招募中高階人才,建立海外台企經營團隊


Quickly and precisely find quality talent that exceeds expectations