
Chủ quản kế hoạch tiếp thị
Bán dẫn / Điện tử
Thỏa thuận trực tiếp
Doanh nghiệp nói chung | cấp vừa 2024/06/14


Chủ quản kế hoạch tiếp thị
Bán dẫn / Điện tử
Thỏa thuận trực tiếp

Năng lực chính


Phạm vi công việc

1. Research market and product data, and formulate and adjust marketing strategies and promotion strategies.
2. Plan, produce and manage various marketing products and files.
3. Through branding, advertising, community and other plans, increase product visibility, downloads, registration rates, trial rates, and number of payments, optimize marketing results, and achieve online sales goals.
4. Participate in cross-department and cross-company executive meetings to jointly formulate strategic plans and use of group resources.
5. Operate social media, including but not limited to FB fan pages, societies, IG and YT, etc.
6. Use self-media, market research, public relations, TV programs, cross-industry cooperation, etc. to maximize publicity benefits.
7. Track marketing results every day, quickly revise strategies and execute plans.
8. Lead the team to grow and improve the capabilities of team members through internal and external training plans and daily guidance.

Nhân tài lý tưởng

【Professional knowledge and skills】
1. Have more than 7 years of marketing planning related work experience, including more than 4 years of digital marketing experience.
2. Familiar with social marketing, digital advertising, social copywriting and fan page management.
3. Familiar with online user recruitment and online advertising operations.
4. Familiar with marketing efficiency scores and operational figures analysis.

[Soft power and personality traits]
1. Have creative thinking ability
2. Have teamwork, communication and coordination skills
3. Ability to analyze and solve problems
4. Have project management capabilities

[Other conditions for bonus points]
Have digital product user acquisition experience or education product experience.

Điều kiện khác

Số năm:Đại học
Khoa:Tiếp thị,Chính trị Hành chính Tôn giáo,Quản trị Doanh nghiệp
Số năm:7 năm kinh nghiệm làm việc
Ngôn ngữ:
Anh:Nghe/Tinh thông Nói/Tinh thông Đọc/Tinh thông Viết/Tinh thông
Trách nhiệm:4 người trở xuống
Công tác xa:Không công tác xa xuất ngoại

Phúc lợi

Pháp định:哺乳室,勞保,健保
Phúc lợi:年終獎金,三節獎金/禮品,健身器材,員工舒壓按摩,生活工作諮詢,結婚禮金,社團補助,社團活動,特約商店,免費下午茶,停車位,員工團體保險,不用補班

Mã số hồ sơ:CA01010610

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