
Computer System Analyzer
Computer System Product
Face-to-face negotiation
General Company | Specialty Personnel 2024/07/20


Computer System Analyzer
Computer System Product
Face-to-face negotiation




1. ETL of various data within the company
2. Use crawler technology to obtain external data
3. Create reports and dashboards on BI tools
4. Understand the company's needs, conduct data analysis, and provide the company with suggested implementation strategies
5. Collaborate with members to produce systematic service functions

Ideal Candidate

1. Be familiar with Python and be able to perform ETL on data from different sources.
2. Be familiar with SQL including DDL and DML, be able to JOIN multiple data tables, and be able to create and plan data tables and their fields.
3. Python and SQL can be combined to produce data reports in Excel format.
4. Experience in communicating and discussing with cross-departments, data connection, and data analysis needs
5. Familiar with Internet data interception (crawlers)
6. Use Git for version control

Bonus points:
Familiar with Airflow and Metabase
Familiarity with containerization services such as Docker

Other Requirements

Education:No Limitations
Department:No Limitations
Experience:Over 3 years of experience
No Limitations
Management Responsibilities:Not need to bear any management responsibilities
Business trip:No business trip required

Employee Benefits

Required by law:哺乳室,週休二日,家庭照顧假,勞保,健保,陪產假,產假,特別休假,育嬰留停,女性生理假,勞退提撥金,安胎假,產檢假,就業保險,防疫照顧假,員工體檢,職災保險
Benefit system:年終獎金,三節獎金/禮品,交通車,生育津貼,員工進修補助,旅遊補助,部門聚餐,慶生會,家庭日,健身房,電影觀賞

Case Number:FG10009749

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