【Product Planning Manager】

Project Sales Manager
Audio / Video / Consumer Systems
NTD 2,000,000~2,500,000 Actual salary is negotiated after interviews with hiring companies.
General Company | Senior 2024/09/13

【Product Planning Manager】

Project Sales Manager
Audio / Video / Consumer Systems
NTD 2,000,000~2,500,000 Actual salary is negotiated after interviews with hiring companies.


Pricing strategy帶領團隊Go-to-market strategyBusiness development市場調查資料分析與報告撰寫時程規劃管理專案Product Roadmap產品策略擬訂產業分析國際專案管理師PMP專案溝通╱整合管理

Job Advantage



• 分析最新的產業及技術趨勢,與分析競爭者行為,並擬定相關的產品策略
• 深入使用者研究,轉換市場需要至產品價值,進而發展成產品特色,完善使用者體驗創造「創新」
• 制定Go to Marketing Strategy, 與前線業務及行銷合作,以達到銷售量、銷售金額、利潤及市場份額的目標
• 依產品或服務屬性,規劃具競爭力的商業/獲利模式
• 有專案管理/產品開發的經驗尤佳

Ideal Candidate

1. Ability to manage multiple tasks/projects
2. Problem saving
3. Aggressive personality with passion
4. Familiar with MS office (Project, Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
5. Experience in audio & video industry product planning, marketing or related fields such as digital marketing or sales, Familiar with gaming or audio products is preferred

Other Requirements

Education:No Limitations
Department:No Limitations
Experience:Over 5 years of experience
English:Listening/Fluent Speaking/Fluent Reading/Fluent Writing/Fluent
Management Responsibilities:Under 5-8 Personnel
Business trip:No business trip required

Employee Benefits

Required by law:哺乳室,週休二日,勞保,健保,特別休假,女性生理假,就業保險,員工體檢,職災保險
Benefit system:員工紅利,員工認股,年終獎金,三節獎金/禮品,特殊節日獎金禮品,員工餐廳,零食櫃,咖啡吧,健身器材,員工舒壓按摩,醫務室,生活工作諮詢,生日假,新人假,員工進修補助,外語學習補助,部門聚餐,社團活動,家庭日,免費下午茶,下午茶,健身房,電影觀賞,停車位,伙食津貼,員工團體保險

Case Number:DC01011230

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